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Praktický kurz

Květen 4, 2024 - Květen 11, 2024


Podrobný popis

Test nahoře

Salì is a pleasant little town. We spent one night here the first week of October and had a very good time. Because of the port modernization work, the entrance is a bit winding but well signposted: upon entering you have to leave the green buoys on your right; the last green buoy seems very close to the outer breakwater but you pass through quietly. We paid 53 euros including electricity; I don’t know if water is also included. We used the showers in the restrooms on the north dock, on the opposite side of our berth, which were comfortable and clean. Unfortunately, many businesses were closed, including the restaurants. Only the pizzeria (good), ice cream shop, bakery, supermarket, and Marettimo bar were open. We will definitely return.


Květen 4, 2024
Květen 11, 2024


Yachta’s Academy
+420 604 290 820

Místo konání

Marina Pirovac - Pirovac Chorvatsko + Google Mapa
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